Some people believe reflexology is simply a fantastic foot massage, but it actually goes far beyond making simply your feet feel great. Reflexology uses pressure applied to specific points on the body, mainly the feet, ears and hands, to stimulate activity in the body’s organs to improve their function and overall general health. While it is not a cure for illness, it is a time-tested complementary treatment that can help with disorders such as anxiety, asthma, cancer treatment, diabetes and headaches.
What is Reflexology Massage?
Reflexologists receive extensive training to learn where the various pressure points are in the feet, hands and ears. This allows them to apply the appropriate pressure to these points to stimulate organ activity or to decrease stress. Using reflexology maps, practitioners employ specific “micro-movements” to obtain the appropriate response within the body, stimulating the nervous system and promote healing.
Theory of Reflexology Massage
In a nutshell, the idea behind reflexology is that it relieves stress, which helps the body heal itself. In the 1890s, two British researchers began to show a neurological correlation between the skin and the body’s internal organs. For example, when pressure is applied to specific areas on the feet, hands or ears, a message of calm is sent to the nervous system, which tells the body to reduce the stress in that area. This adjustment brings a state of equilibrium to the body, and improves overall well-being.
Each person’s body contains “vital energy,” which is affected by stress. When this vital energy is blocked, the body cannot function properly. Reflexology focuses on this energy, called Qi, to keep it flowing and maintaining optimal wellness.
Generally speaking, the left foot corresponds to the left side of the body and all the organs found on that side, including the heart and spleen, while the right side corresponds to the organs on the right, such as the liver and gall bladder.
Benefits of Reflexology Massage
The benefits of reflexology are numerous; these are just a few!
• Relaxation
• Pain reduction for individuals of all ages and health conditions
• Improved blood flow to feet, brain, kidneys and intestines
• Improved recovery after surgery, reducing the need for pain medication
• Decreased blood pressure
• Decreased anxiety and depression
Reflexology Techniques
Reflexology techniques tend to fall into two camps: Eastern and Western. Reflexology originated as part of Asian medicine. The Rwo Shur method is practiced in Asia and uses a combination of thumb-sliding and pressure from the knuckles. Occasionally, small wooden sticks are used for pressure. Firm pressure is used to stimulate Qi for healing.
The Ingham Method is used primarily in the West and was developed in the US in the 1930s. This method uses “thumb walking,” which uses the thumb or finger as it bends and straightens while keeping consistent pressure on the specific area. This method focuses on relaxing and balancing the body.
Reflexology Massage Salt Lake City, Utah
People interested in discovering the benefits of reflexology near downtown Salt Lake City, Utah should be sure they see a trained reflexologist. You can start by contacting Matrix Spa & Massage at 801-799-4999. We look forward to meeting you!