The Best Type of Massage for Runners

The Best Type of Massage for Runners

Why Massage Is Good For Runners

Running is a huge sport in the US, and runners are constantly looking for ways to improve their speed, distance and recovery time. The act of running causes contractions in the leg and arm muscles and the tissue that connects them (the “fascia”). These contractions are the impetus for the running, but they also can lead to shortened, tight muscles, loss of joint range of motion and decreased circulation in the muscles and surrounding fascia and related tissues. Injuries caused by running (and other repetitive activities) are known as “Repetitive Strain Injuries”.


Runner’s Knee and Massage Therapy

Colorful sunset at Snake River Overlook in Grand Teton National Park, WY

What is Runner’s Knee?

Runner’s knee, or patellofemoral pain syndrome, is the name given to a specific set of conditions that involve overuse or injury of the muscles in the kneecap and thigh. Running places immense stress on the tendons, bone, and muscle in the knees and thighs, giving rise to the condition called runner’s knee. While running, the thighs and hamstrings pull on the tendons that connect them to the kneecaps. If the muscles are too tight, this can overwork the knee. Without proper training and rest, this causes runner’s knee. This is very similar to what happens in Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome, a condition in which the IT band that extends from the hip constantly rubs against the thigh and puts stress on the knee.


Every CrossFit Training Program Needs Massage


What the Heck is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a fitness philosophy that believes in building bodies that are prepared for anything. The program was developed by Greg Glassman after he took a broad view of health, wellness, sport and all physical tasks. It involves a constantly varied regimen of high intensity functional movements. It incorporates activities from Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, gymnastics, interval training, sports, calisthenics and other sources. CrossFit athletes are never bored and love every sweaty, gasping minute of it.


If You Read One Article about Reflexology Massage Read this One

Reflexology utah

Some people believe reflexology is simply a fantastic foot massage, but it actually goes far beyond making simply your feet feel great. Reflexology uses pressure applied to specific points on the body, mainly the feet, ears and hands, to stimulate activity in the body’s organs to improve their function and overall general health. While it is not a cure for illness, it is a time-tested complementary treatment that can help with disorders such as anxiety, asthma, cancer treatment, diabetes and headaches.
